Tongtian Zhu

"Convince future generations, not just peers."


At the gorgeous Westlake, Hangzhou

Hi there 😃. I am Tongtian Zhu (prounced as “Tong-tee-an Joo”), a PhD student at the Computer Science Department of Zhejiang University (ZJU), supervised by Professors Can Wang and Chun Chen. I was a research intern at JD Explore Academy (JDE), working on the generalization theory of decentralized learning, mentored by Doctor Fengxiang He and Professor Dacheng Tao. My current research mainly focuses on science of deep learning. I am also interested in utilizing elegant theoretical insights to develop fast and generalizable deep learning algorithms.

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🦄 Research Interest

“Seek truth and beauty.”

In the science aspect, my primary research interest lies in understanding the mechanisms underpining the practical success of deep learning. In the technology aspect, I am interested in developing machine learning methodologies inspired by principles.

My current research focus includes:

Please always feel free to contact (via email or WeChat) if you have any questions, are interested in collaborating, or just want to chat.

🔥 News

Jul 20, 2024 Very excited to attend ICML this time 😀! Feel free to reach out if you want to chat ☕️, whether it’s about deep learning theory (generalization, symmetries, training dynamics), fully decentralized learning (decentralized economies, privacy), or anything else.✨
Jul 12, 2023 I give a long talk (video, slides) at Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (智源社区, BAAI) about our DSGD-SAM paper!
Jul 11, 2023 I give a long talk at the Deep Learning and Optimization Seminar in Westlake University on the generalization benefits of decentralization!
Jul 8, 2023 I give a talk at the Sixth World Artificial Intelligence Conference (第六届世界人工智能大会, WAIC) on the generalization benefits of decentralization!
Apr 25, 2023 Our paper “Decentralized SGD and Average-direction SAM are Asymptotically Equivalent” is accpeted at ICML 2023!
Feb 11, 2023 Our paper “Contrastive Identity-Aware Learning for Multi-Agent Value Decomposition” is accpeted at AAAI 2023 (Oral)!
Dec 6, 2022 I am awarded as a Merit PhD student/Triple A PhD student of Zhejiang University on 2021-2022!
May 17, 2022 Our paper “Topology-aware Generalization of Decentralized SGD” is accepted at ICML 2022 (Spotlight)!

📝 Selected Publications

  1. ICML 2022 (Spotlight)
    Topology-aware Generalization of Decentralized SGD
    Tongtian ZhuFengxiang HeLan ZhangZhengyang Niu, Mingli Song, and Dacheng Tao
    In Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, 17–23 jul 2022
  2. ICML 2023 (My Favorite)
    Decentralized SGD and Average-direction SAM are Asymptotically Equivalent
    Tongtian ZhuFengxiang HeKaixuan Chen, Mingli Song, and Dacheng Tao
    In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning, 23–29 jul 2023

📚 Academic Services

🤗 Miscellaneous

  • I am an (old-school) ACG fan. My favorites range from Detective Conan and Pokemon to Attack on Titan.
  • I was an amateur artist (or more accurately, an enthusiast), spending more than five years practicing my sketching skills. My dream was to become a manga artist ("漫画家" in Chinese). I firmly believe that he aesthetic sensibility nurtured through my fine arts studies considerably enhances my research.
  • I'm also a huge basketball fanatic! I have a profound love for basketball, particularly for the intrinsic beauty of the sport itself. I'm planning (possibly in 1 or 2 years) to start a blog series about the basics of basketball (e.g., rules, skills and tactics) through the lens of scientific research. Any comments are welcome!